Monday, March 30, 2009

West Coast Slalom Junior Olympics Qualifier

Riverhouse Rendevous Race (AKA West Cost Junior Olympics Qualifier for Slalom) Went to the race yesterday to take some shots of the dedicated racers. It wasn't over 30 degrees and the winds were kickin' up at about 25 miles per hour! BRR! We had icicles dangling from the gates which were looking like whirlwinds of death. scary. Needless to say, we had a great turn out! 25 racers!  
The course had roughly 6 upstream gates and 12 downstream.  I have to say, this course looked tough.  Some difficult gates in there for sure.  Props to everyone for braving the cold and racing!
(Below) Alta enjoying the breeze
(Below) Mariah enjoying the course :)
(Below) Mariah stylin the gates
(Below) previous US Slalom Team member
(below) Mike Stahley charging the lower gates
(Below) Joyce Stahley making it look easy
(Below) Geoff Frank of Aldercreek 
(Below) Rick Wright looking ahead...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Head-Cam Riverhouse

Finals are over! YEAH! I completed my four finals on Tuesday and boy does it feel good to be done. Here's a look at what I did between finals...took the new head-cam out for a test run :) Riverhouse is pretty mellow but a nice break between studies.

-Christina Russell

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Cascade Creeking Video

Here is a video I finally got put together of the Upper North Fork Tumalo Creek...It's a forty minute drive up into the mountains of Bend.  SO worth the off-roading and the area is beautiful.  LOTS of untouched creeking to be had.  Going to scope out more this summer...there's got to be more stuff above what we ran! The gradient on the topos shows 600 feet per mile!  Anyways,we are all very excited for the peak snowmelt.  Enjoy this taste of the Cascades creeking....

Upper North Fork Tumalo from Josh Mckeown on Vimeo.

Happy Paddling,