Leinman Playspot---------------------------------------------------------------------
This year, instead of our annual Wenatchee trip, we decided to take a multiday raft trip down the wild and scenic Rogue River. Everything just came together perfectly: good group, good weather, and available permits! wow. Josh was declared trip leader and he promptly organized everything. Having finished the trip, I can say that he impressively didn't forget anything!
Here are pics from the first day of our mini vacation :D. We drove to Leinman playspot near Gold Hill- Where Josh went whitewater kayaking for the first time as a kid. Pretty cool to go back there with him. It's about an hour from Galice where we would put on the river for our multi-day. Anyways, enjoy the pics and stay tuned for pics from our grand adventure on the Rogue River!
Below- Me likey the Biscuit :D
Below- Trying to stay in the hole...twas very flushy
Below- Holy poo!
Below- out humble abode...it's a bit cozy but it's home
I think Josh is happy!
Josh enjoying Leinman and not being a gaper like me
Did I mention that Annies Mac n' Cheese tastes amazing while camping? U should try it!
Hope everyone is getting on the rivers and remembering why they paddle- because it's FUN!!! :) Don't let that fact get away! Stay humble and paddle for yourself!
Hasta Pasta,
Christina Russell
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